Combining StateFlows and transforming it into a StateFlow

Combining StateFlows and transforming it into a StateFlow

Hey Kotliners๐Ÿ‘‹,
In this blog, we are gonna do the experiment with the very ๐Ÿ”ฅhot StateFlow as the title of this blog suggests, we have to build a utility which can help us combining multiple StateFlows into another transformed StateFlow. Before diving into it, let's understand why we need it.

How it's used currently? ๐Ÿคท

Coroutine's StateFlow is really a useful API for handling stateful business in any application (let's say in Android) which is a pretty simple yet powerful stream. Let's discuss some common usage.

Example 1 - UI State management

When the state of UI is represented as a single model class having immutable state members by inspired from very popular state management library i.e. Redux, this is how we achieve it with StateFlow currently ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Here, LoginState is a state model for the Login screen which has all immutable fields. In the ViewModel, three individual mutable states are created and they're combined to form an immutable LoginState. At the end, that stream is converted to StateFlow<LoginState> with using stateIn(). That's how we do it, right?

Example 2 - Deriving Flow from multiple StateFlows

So assume we're building a library and exposing some API class that returns a StateFlow which is gonna look like this ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Here, getPreferenceState() returns StateFlow of PreferenceState and just notice the second function getMultiplePreferenceState() which is just deriving a flow from multiple StateFlows, we'll discuss about it later.

What's the problem? ๐Ÿค”

Let's understand problems/flaws in the above two examples

Problem in Example 1

In Example 1, three flows were combined and all of these flows were of type StateFlow. Still, transformed flow becomes of type Flow because combine() returns Flow<LoginState> there. So stateIn() is used to again make it of type StateFlow<LoginState>. Also, the initial size is calculated twice in the example. First time when declaring individual mutable states and a second time while providing the initial state to stateIn() method.

Problem in Example 2

In the Example 2, the method getPreferenceState() is fine which is returning StateFlow<PreferenceState>. But the second method getMultiplePreferenceState() is not returning StateFlow, instead it's returning Flow. Now, if we try to convert it into StateFlow, this is what the change will look like ๐Ÿ‘‡

To convert combined flow into a StateFlow, stateIn() is used which needs a CoroutineScope. Thus, it ultimately restricts to ask for consumer's scope here (which we don't want some time in some use cases. Example, we don't want to control when to start collecting flow, scope it to a specific scope, etc.). Also, the initial state needs to calculate separately. That's the problem.

In both examples, what we want is:

If all the flows which are being combined are StateFlows then derived/transformed Flow should also be StateFlow.

Now, let's find out the solution for this.

Solution ๐Ÿ’ก

On GitHub, issue is already open for this particular use case. Till an official solution is available, let's try to build our own solution. This solution is gonna be mixed learnings from the discussions that happened there.

To be able to combine multiple state flows into a derived state flow, we need to have our own implementation of StateFlow which fulfills our needs. So the solution looks like this ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Let's understand this:

  • The class TransformedStateFlow has two properties, the first one is getValue which is a lambda returning value that is provided to overriden member value. This means whenever .value is accessed on StateFlow instance, getValue lambda will be called and the value will be returned from the calculation result.
  • The second parameter, flow is used in the collector i.e. whenever TransformedStateFlow is collected, the flow's collector is delegated to it.
  • StateFlow's collect() method need return type as Nothing. That's why we need to provide a collector of StateFlow itself. So stateIn() is used with the consumer's CoroutineScope which transforms Flow into StateFlow and then it starts collecting.
  • Even if stateIn() used here is suspending function, we know that it'll be not a blocking function because the initial state will be available instantly.
  • Then combineStates() function uses it to transform StateFlows into a StateFlow.

This is a core variant of combineStates() method and multiple variants of combineStates() can be added as per the need and number of parameters required.

Let's say in the above Example 1, we need to combine three flows so type safe function for combining three StateFlows would look like๐Ÿ‘‡.

Cool, let's revisit previous examples and revamp them with this solution.

Example 1's implementation will look like this after using this utility

Looks nice, right? Let's see how well this fits with Example 2 ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Yeah! That's it ๐Ÿ˜Ž. Now it looks good and perfectly solves our problems. Similarly, we can also use this approach for other operations like mapping a StateFlow into another StateFlow.

Problems with this solution? ๐Ÿคจ

So after all this, there are some problems with this solution due to which it can not fit in some use cases.

  • Every time .value is accessed, the value from all StateFlows is calculated which won't be good if heavy computation is happening while calculation.
  • Since transform is not suspending lambda, suspending tasks can't be done there which was possible in combine method. We can't add support for suspending transformation because we also need to know the transformed value from getValue lambda.

If your use case is NOT affected by these mentioned issues, you can definitely use this approach for combining StateFlows and deriving another StateFlow from it.

If you have any feedback on this approach, I've also suggested this approach in the GitHub issue.

That's all, I hope you found this helpful ๐Ÿ˜‰.

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Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€

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